About Us

It goes without saying that all of our Trustees are animal lovers. We are also experienced business people, and we want to use our skills to do good.

We all share the Charity Buddy values that unite us in striving to make a positive difference to the lives of animals and their habitats.

Meet the Team

Our Values

  • Using Our Skills And Expertise To Help Others Perform Better

    We all have skills, abilities and expertise.

    When we work together, we learn from each other. By creating a group of like-minded, professional and creative people within Charity Buddy, we believe we are delivering a truly valuable, up to date resource, for others to tap in to, as and when it is needed.

  • Collaboration And Sharing Achieves The Best Outcome For All

    We believe that together, we can achieve so much more. Working in competition has its place, but for us, collaborating offers so much more opportunity and upside for everyone.

    We all love animals, so it’s only right that we all work together to do our best to make the world a better place for them.

  • Keep It Simple. A User-Friendly, Tech Enabled, Positive Experience

    We like to think you’ll have a positive experience when you work with us.

    We combine good tech, with simple process, and most importantly, a high dose of the human touch. We are very hands on, highly motivated, and we want to do everything we can to help you achieve your goals.

  • Be Kind To All Kinds - Wildlife, Farm Animals, Pets and More

    Caring for animals of all shapes and sizes is our passion. At Charity Buddy we provide support for animals and their habitats both directly through our rescue, rehoming, sanctuary, and rewilding, and indirectly through our business and creative support.

    If you love animals, you belong here.